I Love This Husband & Wife Stuff


#312: Being a lady April 7, 2012

Family of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Family of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Make sure you are acting like a lady.  Acting like a lady means you behave using the manners your grandmother would be proud of.  Men should treat you with the respect they would show their mother or sister.”

How to Find A Husband Following God’s Will

As a wife, you should carry yourself as a lady.  Although I dress modestly, I do have to continue to work on acting like a lady and not using profanity or being crude in any way.  When I was in third grade my best friend and I loved being gross.  Because I am silly and like to make people laugh, the clown in me is always wanting to please.  I have to remind myself that as a grown woman, and an aspiring lady, I need to leave childish things behind. We are all works in process.    Here’s to being a lady!

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

1 Corinthians 13:11